
Sunday, October 20, 2013


My sister Misty won 4 free tickets to the Legoland theme park, so four adults and three children all went for the price of only one adult ticket purchased - pretty sweet!

For a new theme park, I was pleasantly surprised by how many rides they had. There were of course a lot of Lego displays throughout the park that were very impressive in both their intricacy and size.  They also had a trick-or-treat event going on while we were there which resulted in Rocco having more Smarties candies than could be possibly consumed by two grown adults, nevermind a two year old child.

We really enjoyed visiting Legoland but I don't think we will be going back anytime soon due to the fact that it is REALLY far from our house (relatively speaking compared to the other 42 bajillion theme parks in the Orlando area). Perhaps if someone we knew was visiting there we would make the trek, as we really did enjoy it, but otherwise I think we will stick to theme parks closer to home.

Rocco on a Lego camel
Scott and Rocco in front of a Lego pharaoh statue complete with ankh and cartouche, I was impressed! Also, this was in front of the funnest ride we went on (in my opinion), it's very similar to the Men in Black laser ride at Universal if you have ever been on that
Lorelei looking adorable, per usual
Ken and Kieran on the Lego safari ride checking out a baby elephant (huge mama elephant not shown in this photo, but it moved and sprayed water on people through it's trunk)
Scott and Rocco also enjoying the ride

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